Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Training Notes - 21/08/2013

My hamstring resolved itself from last week, but unfortunately the mile reps session never happened (As the track was in use for an event when I turned up!), so I did a decent length tempo around Southampton Common instead, 14.5M inc 13.2M tempo@6:18/M, which was a bit quicker than I intended but ok.

Due to wedding commitments the past weekend,  I got the long run for the week in on Friday morning, post trip to the physio (shin still an issue, but answers may be forth coming, I hope). Did 22.6M as 1hr(ish) even pace (7:00/M) and then 10x0.5M at faster than MP with 3min even pace and 1min steady inbetween. Averaged 5:45/M for the efforts and they felt pretty good and smooth. Popped another couple of steady pace miles on the end for good measure. A good pre-specific marathon phase session and I guess a bit akin to the 'Kenyan Fartlek' where runners surge for nominated periods in a given easy/steady run.

Got the last round of the local RR10 XC series today, but I'm a bit worried about the state of my left piriformis after a running technique session on Monday lunchtime. Been for a jog and a few strides at lunchtime today and it feels not too bad, so lots of gentle warm up and dynamic stretching pre-race tonight! 

Also planning to do a medium-fast progressive run this Friday, about 1 hour long, starting at around 6:20/M and winding it up to sub half marathon pace if possible. Then got a bit of a change at the weekend as I've entered a sprint Tri at Boscombe beach on Saturday morning so no long run this week.

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